Expertise and excellence in mental health support. With clients worldwide, general practice and a specialisation in working with gender/ sexuality issues, Rhea Askins is the right choice for you.
Seeking support can be daunting for many reasons, but a life-changing moment also. Rhea Askins (MIACP) is ready to help. Interested in learning more?


About Psychotherapy/ Counselling
Allow me to accompany you on your journey to a better quality of life by addressing the issues you wish to confront and by uncovering the essence of who you are through the incredible psychotherapy/ counselling process.
Psychotherapy is said to be long-term talk therapy, while counselling is a more short-term form. Through both processes we are correcting old hardwiring that has been etched into your brain and body.
Many of these unhelpful processes can begin to dominate our lives and it is my goal as your therapist to examine, understand and work with you to correct what is holding you back.
I would be delighted to hear from you and help you to begin a journey of self-discovery - the fruits of which can last a life time.
Need to talk? Get in touch!
-Rhea Askins (MIACP)

Types of sessions
15-minute initial Zoom consultation - Free
Zoom/ In-person sessions.